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Deputy Secretary-General Dr. Chheang Vannarith: Building a Strong, Smart and Clean Institution
Prepaired By: NA001 ​ Date: (9/11/2024 7:27:13 PM )
Phnom Penh, 11 September 2024 – H.E. Dr. Chheang Vannarith, Deputy Secretary-General of the National Assembly of Cambodia, chaired a monthly meeting dedicated to enhancing workflow, speed, and quality within the Directorate-General of International Relations, Protocol, and Information (IRPI). Held at the Bayon Conference Hall in the National Assembly Palace, the meeting was attended by around 100 officials, including Director-Generals and heads of divisions.
In his opening remarks, Dr. Vannarith outlined his plans for monthly workshops focused on capacity development. These workshops will address critical areas such as talent management, leadership, speech writing, English proficiency, and other essential skills for current and future roles. He emphasized three key areas for institutional strengthening: human capital development, modernization and infrastructure, and strategic budget allocation for maximum impact. Dr. Vannarith urged officials to enhance their capacity, character, integrity, and morality to support the transition to a digital parliament.
Dr. Vannarith envisioned the Directorate-General becoming a model within the Secretariat-General, embodying the core values of team work, collective leadership, and integrity. He assigned the office chief the task of conducting a SWOT analysis to assess official functions, ensuring fairness and justice in the workplace for the benefit of all. Building a strong, smart and clean institution is the way forward.
Director-General Prom Virak endorsed the proposal for establishing an SSC Directorate-General, stressing the importance of effective responsibility distribution among the management team and ongoing improvements. He praised the Information Department for its progress in social media and news production.
Dr. Ngo Sitthykun, Deputy Director-General, highlighted the importance of new guidelines for expediting document preparation, processing, and release. He provided specific formatting guidelines and stressed the need for a streamlined workflow. Dr. Sitthykun also suggested collecting feedback from participants to refine these processes.
Dr. Vannarith encouraged participants to contribute ideas to the new guidelines to improve the workflow, reduce bureaucracy, reduce time, and improve the quality and efficiency of work, while fostering a sense of ownership and collective leadership. He concluded the meeting by emphasizing the importance of collective decision-making and information and knowledge sharing.


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